Businesses and corporations can help create native habitat on private property. Here is information on a webinar scheduled for Aug. 28, 2018. One of the presenters is Iris Caldwell (UIC) who will discuss activities of Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group, an organization active in the Chicago Area.
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 28th, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT (1pm Central, 12pm Mountain, 11am Pacific)
Webinar Title: Getting Monarchs Into Business: Case studies of monarch conservation
Description: Thelma Redick will discuss the business case for support monarch conservation, exploring how businesses work with the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) to incorporate conservation into business operations, corporate citizenship initiatives and business management targets. Several quick-fire case studies will introduce the breadth of project types implemented by WHC members, across sectors and with varying resource availability. Susan Kelsey, will then take a deep dive into how GM, a long-time member of the Wildlife Habitat Council, monarch habitat a priority among their suite of pollinator projects in North America. With more than seventy certified programs world-wide, GM has used very effectively used monarch habitat as one way to engage employees and community, enhance habitat, and link to local, regional and national ecological initiatives. Iris Caldwell will then provide an overview of how organizations in the Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group are approaching monarch habitat conservation, also featuring a couple of industry case studies.
Presenters: Iris Caldwell, Energy Resources Center, Thelma Redick, Wildlife Habitat Council and Susan Kelsey, GM.
Register: Getting Monarchs into Business
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MJV/NCTC Webinar Team
Tracy McCleaf
US Fish and Wildlife Service
National Conservation Training Center
698 Conservation Way
Shepherdstown, WV 25443