Join Chicago Living Corridors for our next webinar –
October 28, 2021 at 7:00 pm

Please register at :

Butterfly Host Plants will be presented by Chris Benda, also known as the Illinois Botanizer,  Description:  Learn how to attract butterflies to your home garden by providing food sources and breeding grounds for our native butterflies and other pollinators. Chris will inspire you to incorporate beautiful, native plant species in the home landscape and will discuss which host plants are specific to certain butterflies and other insects.

Bio:  Chris Benda is a botanist and past president of the Illinois Native Plant Society (2015-2016).  Currently, he works as a Researcher at Southern Illinois University, where he coordinates the Plants of Concern Southern Illinois Program and teaches The Flora of Southern Illinois.  Besides working at SIU, he conducts botanical fieldwork around the world, teaches a variety of classes at The Morton Arboretum and leads nature tours for Camp Ondessonk.  He has research appointments with the University of Illinois and Argonne National Laboratory, and is an accomplished photographer and author of several publications about natural areas in Illinois.  He is also known as Illinois Botanizer and can be reached by email at

IMPORTANT UPDATEChicago Living Corridors’ webinars will be hosted by the Barrington Area Library on their Zoom platform.  The opportunity to work with the Barrington Area Library is an exciting new partnership.  

Access to the videos of previous webinars are available at:
September 23, 2021  Native Plants through the Seasons
August 26,2021 How to Collect and Sow Your Native Seed
June 24, 2021 Behind the Scenes at Prairie Moon Nursery
April 22, 2021  Native Plants for Shade Gardens
March 25, 2021  Backyard Trees
February 25, 2021  Creation of a Native Plant Garden
January 14, 2021  Native Shrubs in the Home Landscape
December 9, 2020  Ecology and Conservation of Illinois Dragonflies
November  ,2020 Unexpected Pleasures 
October 14,2020, Landscaping for Birds
September 23, 2020,  Native Bumble Bees in Your Yard
August 12,2020, Identifying and Controlling Invasive Species
July 22, 2020, “An Intimate Look at the Life Cycle of  the Monarch Butterfly”
June 17, 2020, “Invite Nature to Your Yard