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Published by Carol Rice · 23h ·
Join Chicago Living Corridors for our next webinar –
May 26, 2022 at 7:00 pm
The ABC’s of Green Infrastructure, presented by Jeff Weiss, Environmental Steward
and Educator
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Green Infrastructure ABC’s
Jeff Weiss has designed and helped to implement more than 50 small-scale green infrastructure projects of 10 acres or less in Buffalo Grove, mostly as a volunteer, on a wide variety of project types and with many community partners. Many of these projects focus on habitat corridors, including streams and rights-of-way. Jeff will provide examples, lessons learned, and funding sources for green infrastructure opportunities that can be employed on private property and homeowner association common areas. Hard work, but no permitting, engineering or consulting services, or large budgets are required for these projects!
Jeff Weiss is an environmental steward and educator. He is coordinator of the Flint Creek/Spring Creek Watersheds Partnership, founder of the Buffalo Grove Environmental Action Team, and volunteer steward at Buffalo Grove Prairie and Deer Grove Forest Preserve. Jeff also founded and leads the Buffalo Creek Clean Water Partnership, which was named Lake County Stormwater Management Commission’s Stewardship of the Year in 2016.
Jeff is president of Living Lands Conservation Company, which provides environmental consulting and on-the-ground ecological restoration services. Recent projects include green infrastructure plan development and implementation, grant writing, and prescribed burn operations manuals.
In 2014, Jeff earned an M.S. in natural resources and environmental science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He teaches plant propagation classes at The Morton Arboretum and will teach a new graduate field ecology class this summer for his alma mater, UIUC.
CLC Webinars will be quarterly in 2022
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For those who have established native plant habitat on your property, if you have not already entered information about your property on the Homegrown National Park website, please visit the website and add to the growing number of properties on the map.
IMPORTANT UPDATEChicago Living Corridors’ webinars will be hosted by the Barrington Area Library on their Zoom platform. The opportunity to work with the Barrington Area Library is an exciting partnership.