
Chicago Living Corridors Next Webinar will be December 9, 2020 at 7:00 pm – Ecology and Conservation of Illinois Dragonflies

The next CLC webinar on December 9, Ecology and Conservation of Illinois Dragonflies, will provide an overview of the life cycle of dragonflies and damselflies, presented by Marla Garrison.  She is an instructor of biology at McHenry County College, and authored Damselflies of Chicagoland, published online by the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History.  
This popular speaker combines extensive knowledge, incredible photographs and an engaging style in her presentations.  Please plan on joining us.  

We have been very happy to bring you these free webinars, but would welcome donations to help offset the costs.  A suggested donation of $10 can be made here

Starting with our January 14 webinar, Chicago Living Corridors’ webinars will be hosted by the Barrington Area Library on their Zoom platform.  There will likely be some changes in schedule and other elements of the webinars, but we hope to minimize any disruptions.  We are grateful to Iris Caldwell and the University of Illinois Chicago for hosting the webinars up until now.

The opportunity to work with the Barrington Area Library is an exciting new partnership, and we look forward to a smooth transition.  The registration page for the January webinar – Native Shrubs for the Home Landscape – will be provided soon.
Access to the videos of previous webinars are available at:

October 14,2020, Landscaping for Birds 
September 23, 2020,  Native Bumble Bees in Your Yard
August 12,2020, Identifying and Controlling Invasive Species
July 22, 2020, “An Intimate Look at the Life Cycle of  the Monarch Butterfly”
June 17, 2020, “Invite Nature to Your Yard

Chicago Living Corridors Next Webinar, Unexpected Pleasure by Ders Anderson – November 11, 2020, 7:00 pm

Chicago Living CorridorsThe November webinar for Chicaog Living Corridors will be Wednesday, November 11, 2020, at 7:00 pm. The presenter will be Ders Anderson, who will share “Unexpected Pleasures: What our restored habit taught us”.

Ders has served as the Greenways Director for Openlands for 25 years, focused on greenway corridors of open space, both land-based and stream-based. We hope you will join us for this excellent program. Register at

Chicago Living Corridors Next Webinar will be October 14, 2020 at 7:00 pm Landscaping for Birds

The next Chicago Living Corridors webinar will be on October 14, 2020 at 7:00 pm. Landscaping for Birds will be presented by Lisa Maier, who has been active with WPPC’s mentoring group for several years and is an experienced birder, (officer of McHenry County Audubon). She will be sharing her knowledge of birds and native landscaping. And did I mention she has some terrific photographs.Please register at…/7546845912561068302 to join us.

A Strategy for Control of Phragmites

This approach was posted on the Facebook Page of Nachusa Grasslands. It describes an approach to control that targets small populations. 100% glyphosate is used, with blue dye.

In recent months, I have learned about more approaches to control of invasive species that are taking over our wetlands. It’s good to have another approach to add. Read the description, with photos, here.

Chicago Living Corridors Next Webinar, September 23, 2020 at 7:00 pm “The Native Bumble Bees in Your Yard: Reflections of a Backyard Bee Chaser”

Join us at 7:00 pm, on September 23 for our next webinar: “The Native Bumble Bees in Your Own Backyard: Reflections of a Backyard Bee Chaser”.
Our presenter will be Brandie Dunn, who has merged her love of native habitat and bumble bees with an interest in photography to highlight these very important pollinators. Please register at :

Million Trees Project Giveaway

Read about the Million Trees Project Giveaway provided by Living Lands and Waters.  This project will offer bur oaks, red oaks, swamp white oaks, and persimmon tree seedlings.  There are detailed instructions on when and how to order the trees, which will be available on February 25 at 10 AM.  Please check the links and follow the instructions carefully.  You’ll be able to order for your own use, or for an organization.

The moving force behind Living Lands and Waters is a young man, Chad Pregracke, who started out wanting to clean up the  section of the Mississippi River near his home.  From that beginning, his efforts have grown substantially and he has undertaken many initiatives to clean America’s rivers, and restore the native habitat – especially the oaks.  His story is an inspiring one, and readers are encouraged to find out about the accomplishments of this young man with a vision.  He has inspired armies of volunteers.

Jumping Worms – Caution at Plant Exchanges

There are many organizations that conduct plant exchanges. If you are participating in an exchange, advise everyone to carefully wash the roots and remove soil to prevent the possible spread of jumping worms. They strip vital nutrients from the soil, and eat the leaf litter layer. If jumping worms are present, the soil will take on the appearance of coffee grounds.
These worms present a threat to the ecology of our woodlands. Please be on the alert and do everything you can to control their spread. They can be identified by a light-colored ring.

Seven Simple Actions to “Bring Birds Back”

Cornell and its partners have launched a website – 3BillionBirds – in response to reports of the alarming loss of bird populations. It includes the 7 actions people can take. Citizen science projects are suggested, (see Chicago Living Corridors listing of projects) as well as other recommendations: make windows safer; keep cats indoors; reduce lawn and plant natives; avoid pesticides; choose coffee that’s grown in bird-friendly plantations; eliminate plastics, and join bird-watching groups – share what you see. There are many Facebook pages that have great information on birds, and fabulous photos. This past summer, I was able to follow the saga of the piping plovers at Montrose beach.

There are findings and access to news reports.