The next Chicago Living Corridors Webinar will be August 25, 2022, Exotic Invasive Plants: What you should know and what you should do

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Published by Carol Rice  · 23h  · 
Exotic Invasive Plants: What you should know and what you should do.

Join Chicago Living Corridors for our next webinar –
Thursday, August 25, 2022  at 7:00 pm
Exotic Invasive Plants: What you should know and what you should do

The presenter will be Matt Evans who is the Managing Ecologist for Woodlands at the Chicago Botanic Garden. He is involved in environmental work through several organizations, focused mostly on community stewardship in the preserves. Understanding the impacts of invasive species and how to “restore” natural areas, such as forest preserves, to health is central to Matt’s work at the Chicago Botanic Garden and more widely across the state. Matt describes the management of invasives species as an opportunity for communities to work together on meaningful projects that transform natural areas from declining spaces to thriving resources providing ecosystem services and natural beauty.

He will be sharing information about landscape health, especially as it relates to invasive plant species. The presentation will offer examples of why certain plant species are undesirable and disruptive to ecosystem/landscape health while also providing examples of steps that can be taken by the audience members to participate in creating a healthier landscape. The audience can expect to learn about a few particularly important invasive species and how to deal with them and also comparisons of healthy and unhealthy landscapes, including suburban homes.

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For those who have established native plant habitat on your property, if you have not already entered information about your property on the Homegrown National Park website, please visit the website and add to the growing number of properties on the map.

IMPORTANT UPDATEChicago Living Corridors’ webinars will be hosted by the Barrington Area Library on their Zoom platform.  The opportunity to work with the Barrington Area Library is an exciting partnership.  
