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Published by Carol Rice · 23h ·
Join Chicago Living Corridors for our next webinar – September 23, 2021 at 7:00 pm
Let’s take a look at native plants through all four seasons and see how they can work in your landscape.
Carol Rice and Debbie Groat will share with you plants from their own gardens as well as provide commentary regarding their experience with native plants. Debbie Groat always considered herself a gardener but didn’t know much about native plants when she enlisted the help of the Wildflower Preservation and Propagation Committee in 2005. As a member of the WPPC’s first mentoring class and with the help of an experienced native gardening mentor she planted her first prairie garden. She has since expanded her plantings to several other areas of her yard. She does not consider herself an expert by any means but is constantly learning and is committed to native plants not only for what they offer in terms of beauty and interest but also what they offer to the birds, insects and other creatures that visit her yard.
Carol Rice has been actively involved with the Wildflower Preservation and Propagation Committee since the late 1980s. She initiated the mentoring program in 2005. She has been involved with Chicago Living Corridors since its inception, and is the current president.She has been restoring the native habitat on her property for over thirty years.…/native-plants…